Academic Advising is a vital resource for students at the U of A. Advisors can answer many questions that you may have about your major and academic progress.
Top 5 Reasons You Should Schedule a Meeting with Your Advisor:
- Advisors Help You Develop Your Academic Goals
Advisors can help you develop your academic goals and determine appropriate course load. They can communicate academic policies and processes that are important to your academic success. Are you planning to transition to another program or college while at the U of A? Academic Advisors can make sure you know what is expected and what you will need to do in order to complete a successful transition.
- Advisors Make Sure You Are on Track for Your Major
Advisors are able to provide curriculum and program information to create a plan to make sure you take the right classes at the right time. There is no better way to save time and money than to stay on track! While it may be tempting to try to figure things out on our own, advisors will have the most up to date information about any program changes and how it may affect you. Advisors will make sure you fulfill all of your requirements in a timely manner.
- Advisors Can Help During Tough Situations
Advisors understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Often students may feel reluctant to seek assistance for issues they may be having. Advisors are supportive and their purpose is to help you through any academic situation that may arise. Many students are not aware of policies that can actually benefit them when they do find themselves in a jam. You have a better chance of successfully resolving your situation the earlier you seek assistance.
- They Are Available Year-Round
Advisors are available year-round and not just during registration periods. While you do need to plan early for registration, we want you to know that you can schedule an appointment at any time of the year. Note: Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per academic term in order to be able to register for classes.
- Advisors Can Help You Prepare for Graduation
Advisors will help you determine when to apply for graduation. They will help you make sure all academic requirements are satisfied and what steps you need to take to apply to graduate.
Academic Advising is an active, ongoing partnership between the advisor and student grounded in teaching and learning. Quality academic advising is essential to achieving the university’s vision. Academic Advising services are offered differently across campus to meet the unique needs of the different colleges and their students.
To find out more about your specific college’s or major’s advising process visit http://advising.uark.edu.