Attending the University of Arkansas was not only a goal and dream of my own, but also of my dad. As a first-generation college student, many challenges came with the application process and fully grasping on to the whole idea of a “college life”. My parents always encouraged me to take advantage of any opportunity that came my way, regardless of my lack of experience or knowledge on the subject. Getting adjusted to life on the hill was not very difficult, thanks to the welcoming environment and the Hog-spirit that surrounds campus.

Even so, I wish I had known about the variety of student organizations and clubs available before stepping foot on campus. Had I known that getting involved and connecting with students on campus would be so easy would have definitely made the idea of attending such a large school less intimidating. Finding a mentor as soon as possible can help enormously. My parents could support me in a lot of areas, but not when it came to university-type topics.

Once I had people close to me that were upperclassmen in the same major and knew what classes and teachers I would be going through, life became a lot easier. Another place where knowledge abounds? Office hours. Go to them. Trust me, you won’t only enjoy the class more because you have had one-on-ones with the professor, but you will also see a significant difference in your over-all grade. In the end, it is not just about grades, remember to enjoy your time at the UofA. Go to every game (even if you don’t know the sport), go hiking (even if you’ve never been), explore the hill (there’s none like it).