Asian Studies Speaker Series

Hiroki Tekeuchi, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Southern Methodist University, will give a talk entitled "Japanese Politics Now: Abenomics, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Beyond" on Wed. Feb. 5th from 3:45 to 5:00pm in Giffels Auditorium. This talk is part of the Asian Studies Speaker Series and is free and open to the public.

Hogs Abroad 101

If you're thinking about studying abroad, consider attending one of our info sessions. The info sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the semester and last approximately 45 minutes. All info sessions will take place at 4pm in the Foreign Language Lab in JBHT 207. Space is limited, so get there early! #hogsabroad Office […]

Arkansas Engineers Abroad

AEA is a student-led organization that believes "that for all people through out the world there exists hope; therefore, we help." This mentality drives our passion to complete projects both internationally and abroad. Currently, we have two projects. The first is located in the village of "More Tomorrow" in Belize. We are working on the […]

Dr. Alveda King Lecture

Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will serve as the kick-off speaker for Black History Month on the University of Arkansas campus Wednesday, February 5th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Verizon Ballroom in the Arkansas Union.  Her address, “What Advocating for Civil Rights Looks Like Today,” will […]

Dallas Chapter: Monthly Board Meeting

Please join us for our monthly Board Meeting. The Dallas Chapter Board Meeting is held the first Wednesday of every month.

Nadi Cinema: No One Knows About Persian Cats

February 5:  No One Knows About Persian Cats (Bahman Ghobadi, Iran 2009) Acclaimed film traces the story of two musicians recently freed from prison that set out to form a […]