Discussion Panel for the Affordable Care Act

Students are invited to a panel discussion about the Affordable Care Act as the final event of ASG Health Week.  Dr. Hershey Garner, Representative Charlie Collins, and Representative Greg Leding are panelists for The Affordable Care Act and What It Means for College Students, a panel discussion Thursday, Feb. 6, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 […]

Deadline: ASG Razorback Action Group Application Due Today

The application period for the ASG Razorback Action Group is from January 27th to February 7th. These positions are open to all University of Arkansas students and they will serve for the remainder of the academic year. Applications are available at asg.uark.edu and in the Office of Student Activities, ARKU A665. “Being involved in Shared Governance […]

Associated Student Government Senate Meetings

The Associated Student Government Senate will meet every Tuesday throughout the semester in the Graduate Education Auditorium Building.  Each meeting will last from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and all students are encouraged to go even if not a member of ASG.  

Deadline: ASG Executive Candidate Applications Due Tomorrow

Applications are now available for candidates interested in running for the Associated Student Government (ASG) 2014-2015 academic year executive positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Candidates can find a packet with petitions and deadlines on the ASG website at asg.uark.edu.  Petitions are due February 19th at noon to the Office of Student Activities, […]

Associated Student Government Senate Meetings

The Associated Student Government Senate will meet every Tuesday throughout the semester in the Graduate Education Auditorium Building.  Each meeting will last from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and all students are encouraged to go even if not a member of ASG.  

Associated Student Government Senate Meetings

The Associated Student Government Senate will meet every Tuesday throughout the semester in the Graduate Education Auditorium Building.  Each meeting will last from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and all students are encouraged to go even if not a member of ASG.