Guest Artist: Don Bailey, flute

***This event has been cancelled***Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall, Fine Arts Center, 7:30 p.m. Accompanied by Dianne Frazer, piano. The public is invited to attend and admission is free.

Step Afrika!

Step Afrika! comes back to Fayetteville!FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.—University Programs presents Step Afrika! on February 3, 2014 at 9 p.m. in the Union Theater at the University of Arkansas Union.             This event is free to current University of Arkansas Fayetteville students who pay the student activities fee. Students must show ID for entrance. Admission for general […]

OLLI Non-Fiction Book Club

Give your books life beyond their pages by joining our Non-Fiction Book Club! Add more meaning to your reading by sharing thoughts with others who have read the same material. Members decide on titles for future discussions and are responsible for their own books. The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew and the Heart of […]

Floating Lines- Interdisciplinary Student Art Exhibit

University Programs will host the exhibit Floating Lines, created by the students of the Computer Numerical Control course on January 21- February 14, 2014 in the Anne Kittrell Art Gallery […]

Nelson Mandela Board signing

We are celebrating the life of a great leader Nelson Mandela.This board signing is to share the great things about Mandela, leave any thoughts inspired by him ,or any aspect of his personality that we keep within ourselves to be better people.

Study Abroad Info Table

The Office of Study Abroad hosts a weekly info table throughout the semester at the Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m every Tuesday; see below for specific locations. Come ask any questions you have about study abroad and chat with our peer advisors about their study abroad experiences! You’ll have a chance to get […]