Study Abroad Info Table

The Office of Study Abroad hosts a weekly info table throughout the semester at the Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m every Tuesday; see below for specific locations. Come ask any questions you have about study abroad and chat with our peer advisors about their study abroad experiences! You’ll have a chance to get […]

Professor Jeannie Whayne’s Remnant Trust Lecture

Professor Jeannie Whayne of the History Department will lecture on slavery and emancipation in the United States, referencing the worksNotes of the State of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson, My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, and the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln, all materials in the Wisdom of the Ages Athenaeum exhibit of rare materials from the Remnant Trust. […]

OLLI:Selling on EBay 101

Learn the pro’s /con’s of selling items using the internet (EBay, Craig’s list, etc.) Learn about the use of Privacy/Security protection, policies & procedures. Get hands on experience setting up an eBay seller’s account, pricing items, photo composition, how to promote products for sale, monitoring sales process, shipping/handling, problem resolution, international selling and more. Location […]

Hogs Abroad 101

If you're thinking about studying abroad, consider attending one of our info sessions. The info sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the semester and last approximately 45 minutes. All info sessions will take place at 4pm in the Foreign Language Lab in JBHT 207. Space is limited, so get there early! #hogsabroad Office […]

Small Business Public Relations

The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center presents "Small Business Public Relations" presented by Carrie McKnight of CJRW an Arkansas based marketing company with 52 years of experience helping clients build both their brand and their business.  This seminar will cover how a communications strategy for any business is crucial must be designed to […]

Associated Student Government Senate Meetings

The Associated Student Government Senate will meet every Tuesday throughout the semester in the Graduate Education Auditorium Building.  Each meeting will last from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and all students are encouraged to go even if not a member of ASG.