Henry McLeish lecture

The Right Honorable Henry McLeish will deliver a public lecture about international education policy. He is a fellow of Cambridge and Edinburgh, former Member of Parliament in the UK, former member of the UK government under Tony Blair and former First Minister of Scotland.

Marat Paransky Lecture

Paransky will be exhibiting recent work addressing issues surrounding nuclear power plant disasters at The Bottle Rocket Gallery in Fayetteville, February 5 through March 1, 2014. Paransky received a Master of Fine Art in Visual Arts from the  Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA and a Bachelor of Fine Art in Drawing […]

Eugenia Toma Lecture

Eugenia Toma, the Wendell H. Ford Professor of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Kentucky, will give a lecture titled "Is there a link between rural school choice and student performance?"

Geosciences/ENDY Colloquium

Geosciences/ENDY Colloquium will host Dr. Jeannie Whayne from the Department of History at the University of Arkansas. Her lecture is titled "Memphis, the Environment, and Yellow Fever: the Politics of Race and Cotton". This presentation will begin at 3:30 pm in KIMP 105.

CSES Seminar

Zack Hill (M.S.)- Use of Fluridone for Control of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and on Turnrows and Ditchbanks.